Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Balancing Minnesota's budget

Start with Gov. Pawlenty and Lt. Gov. Molnau taking a 20 % pay cut.
Have the other constitutional officers take a 10% pay cut.
Have all of Pawlenty's "cabinet" level employees each take a 10 % pay cut.
All other managers take a 3 % pay cut. (That would affect my family income).
Eliminate all in house hr functions within each department and transfer those functions to the Dept. of Employee Relations (which is supposed to be the state hr office and I believed is supposed to be handling all of that anyways, so why are those functions still being staffed within other departments).
Eliminate jobs of people who shouldn't even be there like Lee Nelson. He was head of the unemployment appellate level at one point. That agency is responsible for evidentiary hearings, thousands of them each year. Nelson has little if any experience doing evidentiary hearings and was clearly not qualified to hold that position. So why was he appointed to it?

I'm sure there are lots of people in positions that they aren't qualified for or were created just to keep them employed using an unfair process.

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